Thursday, 29 November 2012

research and planning: artist name

Today I was researching artist names, I have had trouble picking a name for her so will have to think over the weekend.

Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Thursday, 22 November 2012

research and planning: my music magazine progress

This is my magazine so far, I haven't took my real photographs yet so I've used this temporary model for the time being.

Thursday, 15 November 2012

research and planning: shot list

This shows the shot ill be taking of my models and what they'll be wearing and their surroundings etc.

research and planning: double page spread ideas

These are some different styles of double pages spreads, an interview, a review, a diary and artists quotes. They aren't linked with my genre but this is the best way to show the different styles.

research and planning: shooting schedule

This is the information for the locations I'll be using for the taking of my magazines photographs.

Thursday, 8 November 2012

research and planning: make up ideas

This is some makeup ideas I did on myself to practice how my models makeup will look like. I think I will be having my front cover model in makeup like the first design, the smokey look links with the chart music genre.

research and planning: model head shots

The first picture would have been a good model for my magazine, but her hair is quite dark making her look a little rocky, and my genre is chart music. I know my second model will be available for the shoot but I don't think she has the right wardrobe for the genre, so it would be more difficult to find something for her to wear that will fit with my genre. The third and fourth model will both be available for the shoot, and they both feel comfortable in front of the camera, allowing me to get a good shot for my magazine. They both have a chart styled wardrobe making it easy for me to dress the on the shoot.

research and planning: SLR test shots

The inside shots always seem to look a little yellow, but still in detail. However when the flash is on and I have zoomed in to the subject the detail is very good and the light looks natural. The last image is probably the worst image as its a little washed out, and the lighting is very white because of the natural light and the flash combined. Also the composition of the photo and the people in it is a little poor.

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

research and planning: publication plan


research and planning: what artists I associate with my genre

These artists I most associate with my genre of chart music. All of these artists have been in the charts and most of them still are.